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Lasting For Therapy Practices

The no. 1 couples therapy app can accelerate client outcomes and be an amazing gift

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Lasting is a gift.

Over 10,000 therapists use Lasting with their clients. That’s because it’s the most comprehensive tool for couples therapy in the market today.

One subscription comes with 300+ guided counseling sessions, 12 live workshops per month, and new content every week.

The best part? Therapists who buy in bulk for their practice get big discounts: all the way up to 75% off the retail price of $60 for an entire 3 months!

Want more than 100 subscriptions or have a question? Just email meaghan@getlasting.com.

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Lasting has 2.5M downloads worldwide and 20,000 five-star reviews. It’s also used by 10,000 therapists.

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When you buy Lasting, you can give it to…

  • Brand new clients as a gift

  • Existing clients to help their journey

  • Exiting clients to keep them strong

  • Prospective clients who actually can’t afford therapy

  • Board members and supporters

Complement your practice with Lasting! Have any questions? Just email meaghan@getlasting.com.